Thursday, June 30, 2011

If you were stuck on an island..

If you were stuck on an island for two years what is the one thing you would bring?

In the past I would have had very different answers, but after (almost) a month and a half in Nicaragua, I have to confess it would be my headlamp. I apologize sincerely to all of those who I might have poked fun of in the past. After both the late night latrine visits and frequent power outages I’m a believer.

Really though, I am going to be living on the Island of Ometepe for two years! I’m still honestly in a bit of a shock, I never ever imagined that is where I’d be, but I am warming up to the idea.

The island of Ometepe is usually the classic vista you imagine when you think of Nicaragua. It’s a large island in the middle of Lake Nicaragua which is the largest fresh water lake in the Americas. It holds more than 500 different island. Two large volcanoes are located in the middle of the island.. one is dormant, one not so much.. Apparently the island has landed on the shortlist for the new seven natural wonders of the world.

I’ll be in the small town of Altagracia on the Volcán Concepción side which is less developed. It’s the original indigenous capital of Ometepe with a population of 2500 in the immediate town.

I’ll be visiting the site to meet the teachers I’ll be working with this next week, and I’ll come back with a full report after or send a message in a bottle to keep you updated.

In the mean time, some light reading material..


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